Family Liaisons » RHS - Sandra Figueroa

RHS - Sandra Figueroa

 My Name is Sandra Figueroa and I am the parent Liaison at Revere High School. I grew up in East Boston and graduated from East Boston High School, I’ve been living in Revere for the past 20 years and graduated from Salter School in Billing and Coding. I am fluent in Spanish and I love spending time with my family, I have 3 children in Revere Public Schools. I am excited to be a family Liaison and be respectful of diverse cultures, education levels and lifestyles.

It is my pleasure in assisting parents and families in understanding school dynamics and creating a space in which they feel welcome and become involved in their child education. It is important to create a strong relationship between parents, students and teachers, the stronger the relationship the more beneficial it is for a child educational success.

English, Spanish
[email protected]