Community Archive
- May 30th - June 27, 2003
- All Classes are in Person
- June 10th to July 29th
- Revere High School Turf Field
- $250 = 1 Player - $470 Two Players - $700 Three Players
- 781-718-9971
- Turned 22 after March 10th , 2022
- Remained enrolled in school until you turned 22 and have completed school

Family Picnic and Pollinator Event on Saturday, May 28th, from 11 AM to 1 PM. With Saturday, June 4th as the rain date. The event will take place at the Susan B. Anthony Middle School Park and Field located at 107 Newhall Street in Revere.
Revere Community School - Registration for New Classes
We look forward to hosting all of our runners, new and returning, as we take on this fast and flat beachside 5K! All participants will receive a commemorative event t-shirt, a race medal, and a free beer after the race! (21+)
We encourage all runners to wear their spookiest Halloween Costumes (not required) for their chance to win our annual costume contest! Following the race be sure to stick around for our kid's pumpkin patch and pumpkin decorating, live music, beer garden, and much more!
Esperamos recibir a todos nuestros corredores, nuevos y recurrentes, mientras nos enfrentamos a este 5K rápido y plano junto a la playa! ¡Todos los participantes recibirán una camiseta conmemorativa del evento, una medalla de carrera y una cerveza gratis después de la carrera!
¡Alentamos a todos los corredores a que usen sus disfraces de Halloween más espeluznantes (no es obligatorio) para tener la oportunidad de ganar nuestro concurso anual de disfraces! Después de la carrera, asegúrese de quedarse para ver el huerto de calabazas para niños y la decoración de calabazas, música en vivo, jardín de cerveza y mucho más.
Estamos ansiosos para hospedar todos os nossos novos e antigos corredores, enquanto enfrentamos este rápido percurso de 5 km à beira-mar! Todos os participantes receberão uma camiseta comemorativa do evento, uma medalha de corrida e uma cerveja grátis após a corrida!
Nós encorajamos todos os corredores a usarem seus trajes de Halloween mais assustadores (não obrigatório), para ter a chance de ganhar nosso concurso anual de fantasias! Após a corrida, certifique-se de permanecer para apreciar nosso canteiro de abóboras pra crianças, decoração de abóboras, música ao vivo, e área para diversão e apreciar cerveja e muito mais!
نتطلع إلى استضافة جميع العدائين الجدد والعائدين، حيث نتحمل هذا الشاطئ السريع والمسطح الذي يبلغ طوله 5 كيلومترات! سيحصل جميع المشاركين على قمصان للحدث التذكاري وميدالية سباق ومشروب
بيرة مجانية بعد السباق (لاعمارهم 21 سنة او اكثر)!
نشجع جميع المتسابقين على ارتداء أزياء الهالوين الأكثر رعباً (غير مطلوبة) للحصول على فرصتهم في الفوز بمسابقة الأزياء السنوية الخاصة بنا! بعد السباق ، تأكد من التمسك برقعة اليقطين الخاصة بأطفالنا وتزيين القرع، والموسيقى الحية، وحديقة البيرة، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير!
City of Revere Announces the Shot at a Healthy Future Lottery Vaccine Incentive Scholarship Program
$50,000 in Scholarships to Revere Youth to Further Their Education
Applications Now Available on //
REVERE, MA- Today the City of Revere announced the Shot at a Healthy Future Scholarship, a city-wide lottery for those who have been vaccinated. Every fully vaccinated resident is eligible to enter to win one of five $10,000 scholarships. The scholarships will be chosen in two categories, youth and adult. Three of the five scholarships will go directly to youth winners aged 12-20 and 2 scholarships will be presented to adult winners who will award the prize to a Revere youth of their choice. The deadline for submissions will be July 30th and the lottery will be held on August 30th. In order to qualify for this lottery, you must be a fully vaccinated person and reside in Revere. The City of Revere will verify all submissions and vaccination status. Click here to find more details about the Youth Entry and Adult Entry.
Funds for the winners are held in a savings account at Metro Credit Union and are intended to be paid to an accredited university, college, community college, or trade school. All decisions of the City for lottery winners and eligibility are final.
“As more residents get vaccinated, our rates of Covid infections decreases - making our entire city a healthier environment for all. Our Shot at a Healthy Future Scholarship will hopefully incentivize more to get vaccinated and provide a small reward to those who already did,” Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo said. “We are looking forward to giving our youth and the next generation of leaders the opportunity to further their education while they are leading the way to further the health and wellbeing of our community.”
The Shot at a Healthy Future Scholarship is funded by the Raise Up Revere Fund - established by Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo in April of 2020. The fund’s mission is focused on meeting the immediate and long-term needs of Revere families and small businesses by funding non-profits focused on COVID relief. In partnership with United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, the Fund mobilizes resources to assist businesses and households most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Since the beginning, our partnership with Raise Up Revere has been focused on responding to Covid-19 relief efforts,” said Bob Giannino, President and CEO at United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley. “This simultaneous investment in improving public health and advancing economic opportunity raises up the importance of ensuring an equitable recovery for individuals and communities impacted by the crisis. We applaud Mayor Arrigo for his creativity and recognition of the strong links between education, health and financial wellbeing.”
As of June 17, 56% of Revere residents are fully vaccinated (33,918) and 65% of Revere residents (39,738) have at least one dose. The positivity rate has fallen below 1% at 0.7%. Data has shown that when vaccination percentages increase, the weekly case numbers substantially decrease.
“Metro is committed to providing opportunities to further education for students in our communities,” said Robert Cashman, CEO and President of Metro Credit Union. “We are excited to be part of this program.”
“This is such an exciting and forward-thinking opportunity for the youth of Revere. While the vaccine offers physical health, the scholarship offers the financial health that makes college more accessible for families,” said Dr. Dianne Kelly, Superintendent of Revere Public Schools. “It is a win-win for our students and we are very thankful to Mayor Arrigo, Raise up Revere, and all who have made this opportunity available.”
For more information about “A Shot at a Healthy Future” Vaccine Scholarship Program please visit
YMCA of Metro North Gymnastics Center
- Summer Session June 26- August 26
- Registration Dates: Member Registration: June 14
- Non-Member Registration: June 21
- 298 Main Street Saugus, 781-218-7263
- Summer Session June 26- August 26
- Registration Dates: Member Registration: June 14
- Non-Member Registration: June 21
- 298 Main Street Saugus, 781-233-9622