Family Engagement Night with RHA & The Haven Project

Last week, Revere Public School's (RPS) Office of Equity and Inclusion held a special Family Engagement Night. Coming on the heels of our engagement with RPS families concerning immigration, last week's event provided crucial information about public housing, teen homelessness, as well as workforce training and career building. 

RPS invited both The Haven Project and Revere Housing Authority to present information on the services the agencies provide and give tips to our families on applying for public housing. 

The Haven Project is a nonprofit north of Boston dedicated specifically to providing age-appropriate services to a growing, vulnerable 17–24-year-old homeless young adult population. Founded in 2011, the agency was established to address a gap in services to unaccompanied homeless young adults in Lynn and surrounding communities and is well known as a key advocate and provider of unique and age-appropriate services to homeless young adults on the North Shore. It continues to grow in the number of clients assisted, and programs are expanding to meet the growing and complex needs of the homeless young adult population.

Revere Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low-income residents through the management of HUD programs such as Low Rent Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) and state programs such as State Public Housing and the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program.

These programs are income-based, and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD or DHCD, respectively. There may be waiting lists for rentals or vouchers, and at times the lists may close to new applicants based on the size of and length of wait on the lists. 

Below you access both Revere Housing Authority's and The Haven Project's presentations from last week's Family Engagement Night. 

See more photos of the event here
